A Christmas Scented Home


With our sense of smell being closely linked with our memories, particular smells will evoke particular memories. From cranberry to candy cane, there are so may scents we associate with Christmas. So what better way is there to remember some festive fun by adding some Christmas scent into your home! Below are some ideas on how to create a Christmas scented home.

  1. Stove Top Potpourri- This may not be one that you would do every day, but absolutely lovely for if you have guests round. Simply simmer away some of your favourite festive scents on your stove top. From oranges to cinnamon sticks, or pine and apple, there are many smells to choose from!
  2. DIY Scented Pine Cones- This is a lovely one and a good excuse to go on a wintery walk on the hunt for pine cones! A fun one for the kids to get involved with too. When you’re home with them spritz with some Christmas scented essential oils such as cinnamon or orange, or both together.
  3. Christmas Cleaning- We are now spoilt for choice when it comes to Christmas scented cleaning products, from multi-purposes to disinfectants theres an abundance to choose from. One of my favourites this year are the Christmas scented Fabulosa disinfectants, with my most liked scent being their orange and cranberry one! There are many ways they can be used around your home, but one that worked really well for me was to clean down my radiator with un-diluted Fabulosa and a damp cloth. The scent lasted for hours!IMG_9731
  4. Candles and Wax Melts- Yankee candles are a firm favourite of mine and this year I’ve got Candlelit Cabin and Pomegranate Gin Fizz from their new Alpine Christmas collection. Both smell delish! For a cheaper alternative the Wickford & Co candles from Home Bargains can be a good option, but I do find some have better scent throws than others. Their Gingerbread one is super strong though! For wax melts my personal favourites are the Yankee Home Inspiration ones which I purchase from Asda, and the Candy Cane Forest scent is lush, and also good in the candle also!
  5. Scented Vacuuming- Want to leave a Christmas waft whilst completing the vacuuming? Simply sprinkle some cinnamon and vacuum up! Or after vacuuming spray a carpet foam freshener such as the 1001 Carpet Care in Winter Berries. You. just spritz and leave to dry on your carpets, rugs and upholstery.  The perfect finishing touch.
  6. Wreaths- This is the first year that I’ve ever had a fresh wreath and oh my, the scent of the foliage is amazing! I have mine hung indoors so I can see it more and enjoy the scent that it gives off. Mine is mainly made of pine but also contains dried oranges and eucalyptus- nom! Another idea would be to create one from a herb such as sage.BCE66573-64C9-4481-96D4-38D520D26FF8
  7. Scentsicles- These are scented stick decorations which come with hooks so they can be hung in your tree, placed in wreaths and garlands. Many of my followers also suggested fab alternative places they could be used from the car to your wardrobe! The ones I’ve got are Snow Berry Wreath but they are available in many scents such as White Winter Fir, Cinnamon and Pear in a Pine tree. I purchased mine from B&M but I’ve also seen that they are in B&Q, although a little more expensive. Aldi have their own branded ones also.
  8. Scented Sachets- If you have a real Christmas tree, scoop up any fallen needles and pop them into a small fabric bag or sachet. Organza bags would work well for this also or if you’re feeling crafty make your own.
  9. Fragrant Fire Starters- If you have an open fire there are some lovely ingredients which make great fragrant fire starters such as, dried orange slices, sage, lavender and eucalyptus.
  10. DIY Christmas Potpourri- This is so simple and easy and a great way to decorate your home too. I love to simply just place some dried oranges into bowl (I cut fresh oranges thinly, blot with kitchen paper to roll out any excess juice and then place in the oven for around 3 hours at a low temperature of around 120 degrees). But you could also mix with pine cones, cinnamon sticks or star anise.

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